“Good fortune will nod,
if you carry upon you Joan the Wad.”
“Joan the Wad,
Who tickled the maid and made her mad,
Light me home, the weather’s bad.”
“In Cornwall, the Otherworld is never far away, it exists just at the liminal edge of normal sight, where the otherworldly comings and goings may occasionally be glimpsed out of the corner of one’s eye.” Traditional Witchcraft-A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary
Who is Joan the Wad?
Located in and around the ancient sites that lie dotted across the moorland areas of East Cornwall, lives the Queen of the Piskies, Joan the Wad. Joan the Wad is usually depicted without clothes and is associated with the elements of fire and water. ‘Wad’ refers to her torch or light which she uses to guide lost travellers across the Cornish moors.
The ancient rhymes are contradictory. Some say she confuses wary travellers; getting them hopelessly lost across the moors with a ghostly light that sometimes appears in the night over marshy ground. Woefully led astray, the traveler falls into the bog and drowns; but others consider her to be good, saying that she uses her Wad to light the way to safety and brings folk good luck.
In traditional Cornish lore, Piskies are gentle, mischievous, short in stature and attractively childlike; they are fond of dancing and gather outdoors in large numbers to dance or sometimes wrestle through the night. They are often described as ill-clothed or naked.
This story read from http://darklingroom.co.uk/duloe shows the benevolent nature of the “little folk.”
“The Piskie Little Folk of Duloe: Much has been said, and written, about Cornwall’s small Piskie folk, but few of these stories are as enchanting and strange as that of “Peter Treagle”. It is this very story that I shall now remember, and write on this page for you all to enjoy. Keep in mind, as you read, that the little folk may hide one or two secrets….”
© Copyright – Jonathan Boakes – 2005
* Duloe Stone Circle is in Cornwall, Great Britain, and can be visited at all times of the day and year.
Peter Treagle was a farmer, a good farmer, and honest man. Many years he toiled in the fields, and many years he brought food and love to his wife’s dinner table. Their children were strong, wise, and blessed with their parent’s good health and nature. Seasons passed, and all was well in the Treagle household.
However, the winter of 1789 brought with it the most wretched of hard frosts, and blasted the land with one mighty icy breath. All winter crop was ruined, with not even a turnip or shriveled carrot to place upon the faithful stove. Poor Treagle did despair. What were they to do? The winter could last a fair few months, and all the family could perish. Reduced to skin and bone, and braving the chilling air, Treagle made his way to the Rounding Stone, up on the hill above the farm. The stone formed part of an ancient circle, whose purpose had long since been forgotten, but legend told that a prayer could be answered by the Piskie Folk of the glen. Few have seen a Piskie, but those that have describe them as “folk, like you and me, but only 3 foot tall. Dressed in a green and gold, with a song in their heart and a cheeky grin”. Few still knew of their true purpose in this world, and some would state they are the original owners of the land, who have been driven underground by the oversized newcomers. Treagle did not think on this, on this freezing night, his business was plain to see. He wished the Piskies to help him thaw his frozen land, using any powers which the little folk kept secret from ignorant man. It has been told, in hushed tones, that the Piskies were the druids, and have strong connections with the soil and leaf. It was this very talent which Treagle needed, and hoped to high heaven that they would assist him in his mission. He knew the rhyme, and Piskie dance, which would be needed to bring them forth. He lit the largest candle which fluttered on the midnight breeze, and began the song…
“Piskies good, and Piskies freed, come and dance your dance with me.
Make my soils both rich and fine, help this barren earth of mine.
Then on your leave, I promise to thee, you shall be paid, and shall be free”.
He sang the song, and danced the jig, but no-one appeared from the glen or pasture. With a heavy heart, Treagle blew out his candle, and turned to leave for home. There his wife would nag and say “I told you so”. As he took his first step, he heard a sound, the quietest of sounds, not even a whisper. A laugh? A song? Or perhaps a whistle? Treagle could not be sure, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the smallest little Piskie folk that he could ever have imagined. A rapid movement, from stone to stone, which was hard to follow. With one final leap the figure disappeared back from whence it came. Treagle’s heart was lifted, as he thought on the Piskie fellow. Did this mean that they would help him, and feed his starving kind? He returned to the farm, with a smug look upon his face, “lovely Mrs. Treagle will not believe a word”, the swarthy farmer thought to himself, without a care in the world. For, Treagle knew of one thing, the Piskies had answered his call. A heavy sleep did follow, but the Treagle tummies were still empty.
That was until, that very next morn, Mrs. Treagle opened the farmhouse door. There at her feet, for all to see, were baskets of fruit and fayre. A feast was laid before the town, and all the folk were more than merry. Treagle did not talk of his good fortune, and few had time to ask. For mouths were full, and faces were joyous, so not a soul had intentions to spoil the day.
Once all had departed, and dusk began to fall, Treagle returned to the stone circle, to thank the little folk of the glen. He did not know for certain, if they would hear his words, but he sang them into the growing gloom, like a man with new found life….
“Piskie folk both fine and fair, I thank you
for the pasties, both tasty and belly filling,
I now owe you kindness, respect and need to pay my billing”.
Treagle was fully aware that his song was pretty awful, but he sang it anyway. It drifted on the night air, and was answered by the hoot of an owl. He knew, that before dawn, he would know the cost of the Piskie delivery. It was at this moment that Treagle had his first doubt, “but what if the Piskies want something I can not offer”? He lumbered down the ferny banks, and returned to the farm. All were asleep as he entered, but he knew he would not sleep. Perhaps he should wait,
out in the barn, to see the
Piskies arrive and leave their demand.
Yes, that was the thing to do. So, he lit a storm lantern, and set off across
the yard.
Many hours past, and the creatures of the glen came and went, about their nightly business. Treagle was a patient fellow, and did not mind the wait. Low and behold, he suddenly felt a pulling at his sleeve. The little Piskie fellow was sitting by his side…
“For who do you wait, old Treagle, who do you
wait for this night,
I shall wait with you, I shall, and share your warming light”.
Treagle gasped in surprise, but soon forgot the fellow’s size when he saw his pitiful state. The poor little mite was dressed in rags, and was freezing in the gloom. How could Treagle have known, of the little fellow’s plight? He felt ashamed, with his belly full, and dressed head to toe in leather. He pleaded with the Piskie, to announce what he wanted in return, but the Piskie would hear nothing of it, as it was not how things were done. So, instead, Treagle ran to the house and snatched up a tasty pasty, and some warm woolen blankets from the fireside. He quickly returned to the barn, to help the weakling Piskie, but he found only his lamp… and no-one there. The poor little fellow had gone. With a heavy heart Treagle slumped into bed, and told his wife his story. She too felt her heart go forth, and began to think upon what they could do, to help the little creature.
By afternoon, the Treagle’s all had made the sweetest garment. Using scraps and pieces of the finest leather they had made a Piskie coat, with matching boots and breeches. The youngest Treagle was just finishing off the sweetest of woolen shirts. Ahhh, t’was a fine outfit, and fit for a Piskie King. So, they all set off up the hill, to the stone circle at Duloe. Mrs. Treagle had composed a short song, as she knew her husband was talentless in the musical department, and sang it to the afternoon…
“Little fellow, come forth and see, the
present that we have for thee,
It’s fine and fancy, and made for you, little fellow of Duloe*”.
They all sang to the growing gloom, with all hope that the little Piskie would come forth from out of the glen…….but no-one was forthcoming. Mrs. Treagle then placed the garment on the Rounding Stone, and turned to her husband and children. A sad look haunted her face, as she realised that their helpful friend was not willing to accept the gift. So, they all turned, and made to leave when a voice sprang up from nowhere, the Piskie had clad himself in the outfit, and was no longer bare. His song was joyous, and full of charm, as he danced there on the rock…
“Why thank you, kind people, why thank you
You have returned my favour, so now I am freed”.
And with that the Piskie jumped into the air, around Treagle’s head, and planted a kiss on his rosy red cheek. Then he jumped again, and planted a kiss on Mrs. Treagle’s rosy red cheek. Then, with a twist and a giggle, the little fellow disappeared back into the glen, never to be seen again.
What tales do you have to share about Joan and her Piskies?
Source: http://darklingroom.co.uk/duloe